Trail Report as of January 25, 2024
Weekly report 2.15.2024
Alaska Safe Riders here with your weekly Backcountry Trail report thanks to support from the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and this station.
The Whiplash weather continues this week with temperatures jumping into the 40’s causing the snow to deteriorate and trail conditions to turn mushy. But don’t sweat it, cooler temperatures are forecast this weekend along with the chance for more snow.
Groomers have been out on the trails and are asking riders to please be considerate and keep your speed steady to avoid those dreaded washboarding bumps.
Avalanche danger has increased dramatically with the warmer temperatures and mountain travel is not currently advised in the Turnagain or Hatcher Pass areas. Remember conditions can change rapidly so make sure to check out the latest forecasts and observations for the area you plan to travel at Alaska_Snow_dot_org.
It’s Iron Dog race time with the ambassador team heading out on Thursday, February 15th. The pro-class will follow on Saturday, February 17th at 10am from Big Lake. You can join in on all the action and follow the racers either in person or at Irondog_dot_org.
Instructors from Alaska Safe Riders will be visiting schools along the route. Sign up your school or request training today at alaska_safe_riders_dog_org.
That’s it for this week. Keep it safe out there and tune in next week for more updates and safety tips!